105 Corio St Shepparton VIC 3630 pastor@sheppartonchurchofchrist.org.au (03) 58217699

What’s On

SUNDAY SERVICES are at 10am Sundays. All welcome.

PRAYER MEETINGS – Come, pray & listen as the Holy Spirit speaks.  He longs for you to seek His presence.

Tuesday – 10am ‘pray for revival in our church and in our town’

Saturday – 1st Saturday of the month – ‘Praying for the ministries of the church’  BYO breakfast.

For further information about any of these prayer meetings call John 0427503296

Friday Night Group, Meets at the Church Hall at 7pm. We meet to study God’s word and to encourage one another followed by supper.

For further information about any of these prayer meetings call John 0427503296

Women’s Coffee & Chat,   Our morning teas take place on the last Thursday of each month,.  Please call Anne on 0418 271 349 if you would like more information about our next morning tea.  Hope you come soon and make some new friends

Men’s Fella-ship  – Meet on Tuesday mornings each week.  Men meeting together to encourage and support each other.  Call David on 0432 124 749 or Graham on 0438 271 344 to find out how you can join this group.